The School JumpStarter is majorly in forms of a teacher guide. Each teacher guide consists of the following sections: General Information, Background Information of Big Idea, Big Idea Web, Learning Experiences, Extension and Suggested Books and Resources. Each design is based on a big idea that is developmentally appropriate for young children to explore in an in-depth way. It aims to provide teachers with ideas and inspiration that can be incorporated into school’s current curriculum by using an exploratory lens.

Learning & Teaching Expo 2022 (Chinese Content)
張玉天博士(教授)談日常生活中的幼兒探索式學習|學與教博覽 2022
幼師計劃探索式學習活動實用貼士|學與教博覽 2022
本地幼師談探索式學習對幼兒的重要性|學與教博覽 2022
齊來將幼兒探索式學習融入課室|學與教博覽 2022
Exploration Interactive Workshop (Chinese Content)
家長參與 (學校方面)|「手牽手成就幼兒探索」網上工作坊
Learning Through Play (English Content, Chinese Subtitles)
1. Making Toasties
2. Blast off
3. Be a nature adventurer with fruit puppets!
4. Parachute-making
5. Sink or Float? Try before you know!
6. Go artistic with leaf animals!

COVID-19 school resources:

Early Childhood STEM Education school resources:
- Next Generation Science Standards
- STEM 教育自幼開始─幼兒園主題探究課程中的經驗
- 教學有辦法:借鏡芬蘭「森林課程」 山海為教室 以腳尋找知識
- STEM Starts Early: Grounding science, technology , engineering, and math education in early childhood
- Early STEM Matters: Providing High-Quality STEM Experiences for All Young Learners
- The Roots of STEM Success: Changing Early Learning Experiences to Build Lifelong Thinking Skills
- Standards search
- Early Learning Resources